So excited to now offer you Lamb from
49 Sheep Co.
A little flock of sheep passed down to the next generation.
49 Sheep
49 Sheep came about after my Dad passed away in 2020. My son and daughter in law bought his little flock, and named it 49 Sheep after my his brand, 49.
My Dad was a cattle rancher, but as far back as I can remember he had a small flock of sheep around 100 head. We would help him move them around from pasture to pasture in the summer, feed hay to them all winter, and help with lambing in the spring. I have great memories of marking the lambs, and sheering the ewes in the summer. He would lower us down in the big burlap sacks held up by metal stakes, to stomp the wool during sheering.
My Dad loved those sheep, even though he would never admit it.
It is so nice to see my sons family have them now. It is like having a part of my dad still around. I’m pretty sure he is still watching over them. He would be proud to have his grandkids keeping this legacy going, and raising good lamb.
49 Lamb
pasture raised and finished
These lambs are put out on grain stubble after weaning until harvest. It is some of the most delicious mild flavored lamb I have had! Can’t wait to share it with you.