About Us
If you don’t know us, we are the Carey’s. We raise commercial cattle in Northern California, Southern Oregon. There are three generations of family currently living and working on the ranch.
Carey Ranch is a commercial cow calf operation. We sell calves in the fall to backgrounders or feedlots where they are finished, and end up in your grocery store meat counters.
In 2019, frustrated with the confusion with beef labeling, and the cattle market, we decided to hold on to some of our calves and finish them ourselves here on the ranch.
There seemed to be a growing interest from consumers to know exactly where their beef comes from, and to have a connection to who is raising it. So we were game to try something different, so Circle Bar Beef was stared.
Then 2020 hit, and something we never thought possible, our meat counters where bare... Folks either couldn’t find meat or they where paying a ridiculous price for it. Yet live cattle weren’t worth the hay we where feeding them.
There was/is a disconnect in our food chain, and the pandemic highlighted this disconnect.
This drove home to us the importance in the relationship between producer and consumer, and the importance in folks knowing where their beef comes from, and how to get it.
The majority of Carey Ranch beef is still sold commercially. Us along with many other hard working producers are filling meat counters all over the US with a premium product. All while Circle Bar Beef is growing, finishing more of those calves here on the ranch. Offering a direct to consumer option for folk that want to know exactly where there beef comes form and who is raising it.
We are proud of what we are doing. The time and care we give to the land and livestock, that results in a high quality product.
Thank all of you for all your support! Thank you for trusting us to raise your beef!